
We aim to use good-quality images, which support the given context, and add to our brand values. Original artwork should always be preferred to stock photography.


  • Use images that support or enhance the messaging
  • Use images that showcase a product
  • Use images that underline our core values
  • Use our own images
  • Use our custom photo filter

Do not:

  • Use images simply for decor
  • Use stock photos haphazardly
  • Use pictures regarded as unprofessional, unless by intent

Simployer photo filter

To make our photos look uniform, a custom filter for Photoshop was designed by Volt.

It is easy to use - create a new image based on the filter template, and paste in the original making sure it is on a separate layer below the Simployer filter. Then export to the desired format.

Adding the filter requires Adobe Photoshop, which we do not license to all employees. Contact the design dept. for assistance.

Download Photo filter


Photo licensing

If you are unsure about using photos of Simployer employees due to privacy policies, contact HR.

Stock photos

We have access to stock photography. Contact the desgin team for help.



With filter

Photo categories

Does your image fit either of these categories?


The most positioning level of photos or imagery. It is the link between campaign/purchased communication and the highest level in Simployer-owned channels. The images have a focus on people and should always highlight self-confidence. The motifs can be pure portraits or idea driven. There could be more than one person, but someone is in clear focus of the picture. We use this level of photography to portrait our own people. The image can be photographed or purchased from an image agency.


In these pictures our message that business evolves around people is key. There should always be more than one person in the picture, and some sort of interaction is happening. It could be the pizza afterwork at the office, a coffee break, a digital team meeting, a formal meeting or a 1-1. The image can be photographed or purchased from an image agency or free.

We aim to see objects in the fore- and background. These objects will be out of focus and can be, for example, plants, glass panes, a doorknob, or a colleague. (We strive for diversity.)


This level of imagery is rather more supportive and can be seen as good complement. We select images by theme rather than by specific word searches - eg title or content of an article. Example - if the content of an article concerns technology, search for "macro technology" or "close up technology". Expertise can, for example, be symbolized by a picture with books in different contexts or something else that can symbolize what we want to convey.

Remember that we still can use put the people in center even if it is detailed it can tell quite a lot. What about a close-up handshake to welcome someone their first day?